“Sarah Rush is a powerful speaker who connects well with all kinds of audiences. Her message is life changing.”
Dr. J. Alfred Smith, Sr., Past Board of Governors – California Community Colleges
Pastor Emeritus, Allen Temple Baptist Church, Oakland, C
“Ms. Rush is so amazing and inspiring. People of all ages will glean something from her message . . . It is so relevant for
Ms. Gilford-Beard, Student Center Coordinator, Cal Poly Pomona University
“I think it was very powerful for the students to hear a first hand story from someone who is living such a family legacy. Ms.
Rush was wonderful at paralleling her own life and challenges with her great-grandfather’s. The talk was excellently balanced
with historical information and personal views and stories. I think the students will keep some inspiration from the talk with
them always.”
Ali Tripp, Instructor – Piedmont Middle School – Diversity Day Event
“Sarah Rush, a living legend, delivered a thought-provoking, inspiring, and a timely message that was well-received by the
Dr. James Cato, Professor, College of Alameda
“I was so inspired hearing Sarah Rush at Patten University. Her speech made me hold my head up a little
Angela Fears, Alumnus, Patten University
“Ms. Rush reached out to her audience with a pleasant, warm and sincere approach. She shared and gave so much of herself
to help others who have a long history of struggles and difficulties.”
Carole Evans – Staff Member – Solid Foundation
“Ms. Rush’s message to all in attendance at the program was inspiring, encouraging, and informative. Her warmth and genuine
presence to her audience was enjoyed by everyone.”
Dr. Lenora Poe, Psychologist
“We really enjoyed Ms. Rush. Young people need to be reminded of the great work that has been done by extraordinary
people . . .”
Amy Furtado, Principal, San Leandro High School
“Blessed are the givers and grateful are the receivers. Just can’t thank you enough!”
Mandela House Ladies and Children – Recovery Home
“It is not often that descendants of our early contributors of Black Culture are present in our lives today. Thank you for sharing
in our Black History Celebration at the East Oakland Multipurpose Senior Center. Continue to impart hope to the young men of
this generation.”
Barbara Frierson – Black History committee Chairperson
Leroy Slaughter – Director – East Oakland Multipurpose Center